How to Choose an Internet Service Provider
Having tried internet and everything it offers, you will most likely want to stay connected. To go online you need an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Is a company that will provide an Internet connection. Whether you are looking for your first ISP or a better or cheaper: it may be difficult to find the most appropriate service provider.To start, determine what type of internet service you want to use. There are essentially two types. A dial-up connection that uses your existing phone line to connect to the internet, has many disadvantages. It is the slowest type of service. Keeps your busy, unless you install another line or a device to announce that someone is calling while online. Puede tardar varios minutos para realizar la conexión. The only advantage of dial-up service is its cost. It is the cheapest way to connect to the internet. The dial-up service can be considered if costs are an important factor, or if you only plan to use the internet occasionally.
For people who want to connect more often and do not mind spending more, the option is a broadband connection. This connection is fast, does not hold the telephone line and is always on, so you will not have to wait for the phone to dial to connect. If your computer is on, the Internet is instantly available. There are three popular types of broadband connections: DSL, cable and satellite.
After deciding what type of connection desired, it will be time to start looking for an ISP. An internet service provider can be a company like Earthlink or America Online. These ISPs are involved solely in the Internet business. It can also be a telephone company, p. ej. Sprint, or a cable company, p. ej. Time Warner. ISPs and telephone companies involved can provide dial-up connection or broadband. The cable companies generally offer only a broadband connection. Find out first with the provider of cable and telephone from home. Call them or check their websites to compare prices and services. See then dedicated suppliers of Internet services. It is often possible to find local service providers in the local newspaper ads. You can find national service providers looking for in internet or in magazines and on computers.
The price is important. However, do not select an ISP that charges only for what, otherwise they may feel unhappy when not connect or can not get help. When choosing an ISP should not reject the importance of service quality and availability of a good support service. Often the only way to evaluate these services is studying the views and experience of other users. Then talk with friends, relatives and neighbors. Ask them if they are happy with the ISP they have.
Web sites like Broadband Reports, in help you determine the services available in your area also have bulletin boards where people describe (in English) their experiences, recommend or disapprove services banda ancha. Reading these individual reviews is an enlightening experience that will be done before deciding which service to use.
By studying the various providers of Internet service, you should know exactly what is included with the account. Most of them offer the software you need and help you set your computer to connect to the internet for the first time. Many of them offer free calls and unlimited technical support. Two things that vary are the number of email accounts that the service provided and the storage space on the network that comes with each account. If you use the connection to dial, you will need a modem in your computer, most computers today come already installed. If you use a broadband connection you need an external cable or DSL modem. Usually the ISP owns these items and are provided as part of the service, although sometimes there is a charge for this equipment. Then be sure to ask about it. The dial-up connection is not cost of installation, except for a telephone cable, very cheap. Just connect your computer to a phone line. The installation of broadband connections is more complicated and must be made by the ISP. It is possible that installation costs vary, this should also be investigated.
If traveling, make sure the service you are considering offering internet access without dialing long distance charges, if you want to check your email while traveling. When comparing broadband services, be sure to check the bandwidth to download and upload each service offers. Note also that sometimes you can get similar services with two separate companies. For example, if you are in an area where Time Warner Cable services, Internet service Earthlink uses the main link of Timer Warner. This means that the service will be physically identical. However, it is possible that Earthlink and Time Warner Cable Road Runner (internet service from Time Warner Cable) offer different prices, installation charges and incentives, it will be convenient to compare.
The contract requires you to is also important. Is registering for a certain period of time? Will terminate the service without being charged penalties? Do not forget that in deciding which company to use its Internet service are also important customer service, availability, quality and degree of reaction to their problems. There are many details that have to be investigated to select an ISP. A careful examination of the ISP and the services it offers will help you make an informed decision, to smile for many months.
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